Shipping and return policies for Living Metal Producciones

Shipping Info
Shipping only With Tracking Number!

We can only make shipments to the USA in normal tariff
At this time it is only possible to send $ 35 USD by DHL for COVID issues!

Shipping Cost (Certified normal 30 / 40 business days) 0 up to 500 grs maximum:

- Zone 1: (US$14) . United States of America

- Zone 2: (US$40). Germany, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, South Korea, Costa Rica, Cuba,France, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Holland, Perú, United Kingdom UK, Chinese, Sweden, Venezuela, Panamá

- Zone 3: (US$40). Elsewhere, Rest of the World.

Extra item is added 1 USD to the total shipping

Ask us for others shipping prices, these prices includes CD with jewel cases.
We can try to calculate the best shipping price.

Worldwide: Paypal & Bank Transfer.